The Meaning of Bread in a Dream

the meaning of bread in a dream may relate to physical, emotional and spiritual nourishment

Bread is one of the most fundamental foods to people worldwide, whether it be made from wheat, maize or some other grain. Because of this, it is also a very common symbol amongst many different cultures and religions. To understand the meaning of bread in a dream, it can help to look at what you are doing with the bread. You may be baking, eating, receiving it or sharing it with another. You may also have lost it or given it away.

Bread as a Symbol of Nourishment

Bread in dreams often represents nourishment and sustenance. If you dream of eating bread, this may indicate that something you really need is readily available to you. In waking life, the nourishment you seek may not simply be food, but relate to more abstract things such as emotional support, understanding, creative outlets or even more spiritual concerns. To dream of bread may symbolise that your basic needs of love and and support are being, or about to be met.

Dreams of bread may also appear if you have been doing deep inner work, engaging in mindfulness or praying, or attending spiritual practice in any way. The bread in your dream may represent the spiritual nourishment you are finding.

Alternatively, the meaning of bread in a dream may be to remind you to commit to Self care and to nourish your own soul. If you have felt very busy or distracted in life, you may dream of bread as a reminder to “get back to basics” and prioritise the things that are most important. This is particularly likely to be true if in your dream you are looking for bread or have given it all away.

As with all symbols, it is important to remember the meaning of bread in a dream may vary depending on your own life experience. If you avoid bread in your diet because you feel it is a high carbohydrate food with little nutritional value, your dream of eating bread may relate to not getting the nourishment you need, or “empty calories.” Consider what relationships or habits my be truly nurturing you, and which ones are perhaps satisfying on one level, but not giving you all you really need.

Bread in dreams can relate to substance and meaning. Some may culturally relate to “White bread” as symbolising lack of variety, conformity or something bland and uninteresting. Wholemeal or grain bread may symbolise authenticity and “realness.”

Bread and Material Needs

The meaning of bread in a dream may also be about the basic requirements we have on the material level – to be fed, clothed and sheltered. Consider how the bread appears in the dream to understand if you are feeling a sense of abundance or scarcity. To dream of losing bread, of it spoiling or being stolen may symbolise that you are not having your basic needs met in waking life. If you feel insecure in your employment, in a precarious financial situation or struggling to support people who depend upon you, dreams such as this may occur.

“Bread” can also be used a term for money, so not having enough bread in a dream may reflect feeling an inability to afford the things you would like.

Having lots of bread in your dream may symbolise comfort in life. This kind of dream may come after a period of struggle or of having to go without.

Sharing Bread in a Dream

On the other hand, a dream of breaking bread with someone, of sharing bread or receiving it are all wonderful symbols. To share bread can symbolise that you have more than enough of what you need in life, and are able to give freely. This can be a deeply satisfying sense of living with abundance.

Abundance does not mean that you have lots of “stuff” or even money, just that all of your needs are being met with some to spare. Abundance is a joyous state, where we are able to give, confident that it does not meaning losing anything essential. Sharing bread in a dream reminds us that what we give is never truly lost, for it returns, even if in other forms. 

In this way, bread can symbolise the cycle of life: birth, growth, death and rebirth.  Bread comes from the harvesting of wheat, so when bread appears in dreams it may indicate the completion of a certain cycle of life-stage, and the beginning of another. 

Bread as a Gift

Receiving bread in a dream can be a symbol of your higher Self, even Spirit Guide or Divine messenger offering you a gift that will not only keep you alive, but also nourish your very soul. Whenever you are offered a gift in a dream, you should always accept it graciously, even if you do not fully understand the significance or purpose oft he gift.

Bread is used in many cultures to highlight the relationship between the nourishment of the body and the nourishment of the soul. This relationship means that dreams of bread can often have a profoundly spiritual nature.

Bread and Creative Growth

But bread may also symbolise procreation, and therefore creativity and growth. 

We use the phrase “bun in the oven” for being pregnant. If you dream of baking bread, it may symbolise a new child in your life. Baking bread may relate to a new creative project. There may be something you are working on that needs your close involvement, that you can nurture and help to “rise.”

Conversely, stale bread in your dream may relate to ideas that are no longer working for you. This may be time to get creative, try looking at life with a fresh perspective, and consider what habits and relationships are most healthy for you.

The Meaning of Bread in a Dream

Bread dreams encourage us to look at our basic physical, emotional and spiritual needs, and where they are being met or not. Dreams of bread ask us to consider what sustains and nurtures, what helps us grow. They encourage us to return our focus to that which is essential to our physical and spiritual wellbeing. And they remind us that sharing creates a life of abundance.

You may also be interested in:

The meaning of food and eating in dreams,

The meaning of a feast in a dreams

The meaning of being pregnant in a dream

Thanks for Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

25 thoughts on “The Meaning of Bread in a Dream

  1. Very rich. I am also mindful of the possible indication of suffering, or the need to work for our nourishment, since we have to grind the wheat to make bread.

    Sent from my Kindle Fire


  2. thank you for this great explanation! I received a dream for a friend who has Cancer. In the dream I was picking out something to tribute or give to her on her Cancer care website. I selected a fancy loaf of bread. Which is not even an option, for you can only give money donations to help her cancer fight….I asked in the dream why would I give her bread?? The Lord replied in my dream to me by saying “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE” and then I woke up.
    I have been interceding for her greatly in prayer and I am very encouraged by this dream!

  3. I had a very strange dream last night… So I am 11 and I’m going to middle school this year (Middle grade starts in 7th grade in my district unlike many schools) and I had a dream I was going to middle school. The middle school didn’t look anything like the middle school I’m actually going to, but dream me didn’t notice that. Around lunch time, I realized I didn’t pack my lunch or bring any lunch money with me, but for some reason we decided to go to QuikTrip (It’s basically a gas station). I didn’t buy anything since I didn’t have any money, instead I was just watching everyone and looking around, although I wasn’t really paying attention in my dream at that moment (things around me looked blurry and unfocused, like I was in my own imagination, and the whole part of being in there was pretty short because of that). When we were walking out, I noticed a big lump in my pocket. I took the lump out and realized it was a round piece of bread and I took a bite out of it. Then I thought in my dream, “Wait a minute… I didn’t buy anything, at least I don’t remember buying bread…” and I came up with the conclusion that I accidentally stole bread and got away with it. Things were pretty normal for the rest of the dream, going to different classes, etc. although I felt confused for the rest of the dream (I accidentally walked in the wrong class and then I played a unicorn in a play).

  4. I dreamed of bread. A nice loaf in the shape of a big muffin. My brother was holding it, so I asked to taste it. I was a nice golden brown with sesame seeds baked on top. A knife appeared and I took a slice of the side of it. The knife cut very easily through the loaf. I ate what was sliced of and told my brother that the bread was very good and sweet.
    He then with his hand grabbed chunks out of the loaf. I told him that the bread was for everybody and that what he did was not right. I did not chase him.

  5. This was amazing and hit home in so many ways! I had a dream that I was buying bread with a friend of mine that has past away 3 years ago. A psychic told me a while back that he watches over me and is sad that I feel lonely but will be bringing love into my life soon. I was also told that he would be reincarnated in my life as well. Last night I was struggling with my partner and we have been struggling for a while in our relationship so when I fell asleep I was overwhelmed to see my old friend in my dream. Thank you so much for this article. After reading this I feel it confirms what I have known and have been told for quite some time.

  6. This was amazing and hit home in so many ways! I had a dream that I was buying bread with a friend of mine that has past away 3 years ago. A psychic told me a while back that he watches over me and is sad that I feel lonely but will be bringing love into my life soon. I was also told that he would be reincarnated in my life as well. Last night I was struggling with my partner and we have been struggling for a while in our relationship so when I fell asleep I was overwhelmed to see my old friend in my dream. Thank you so much for this article. After reading this I feel it confirms what I have known and have been told for quite some time.

  7. I dream a sharing bread to my mom and i give to my sister i told her give to my mom a bread for her bday

  8. I dreamt in meditation of a white slice of bread perfectly formed – After reading all these comments I have concluded that my message is that I have all the basics I require at the moment to move ahead. Thank you. I often receive messages in meditation- and like all dreams the messages can mean different things to each of us.Thank you

  9. In my dream I’m eating a bowl full of bread crumbs it’s delicious but not enough to sustain me. At the center of the table is a basket of bread. But I refuse to eat it until I finish the crumbs. I am even determined to eat slowly and savor each bite.

  10. Lastnight i received a very long and beautiful loaf of bread from a child.a little girl to be exact.having read the possible meanings ill be waiting to see what takes place.

  11. I dreamed I was putting buttered bread in the toaster. It seemed like it was a rushed decision but like maybe it would come out alright. But obviously, you’re supposed to butter it after it’s done toasting. I didn’t seem to have time, tho.
    My situation in waking life is that I moved 3 states away from ANYONE I knew, to start over and have solitude so I could focus on myself and find and develop my passion. But my “friend”/roommate lied about his intentions for inviting me to do that here….hes controlling and abusive so I must leave before I’m ready. Before I accomplish my goal. Does that sound like it about encapsulates the situation or could it be indicating something else I’m overlooking?
    I feel like I’m doing the right thing by leaving asap. It’s rushed but necessary, as the situation is escalating, and with it, so is the possible danger.

  12. I return from a journey and gave aloaf of bread to a woman and daughter l knew in a dream

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