The Meaning of a Bell in a Dream

In dreams you may see bells, or hear them, or both. The meaning of a bell in a dream can vary greatly, but is often a sign that is intended to draw your attention to something. Bells in dreams are often signifiers of some important message from your own subconscious.

Bells as Symbols

Many religions and cultures around the world consider bells are deeply significant. The bells may be deep and resonant, light and joyous, sad and sombre or loud and celebrational.

Bells are not things we see or hear as often as we might have in previous generations, but their symbolic significance still holds a profound sway over many of us. While we may not see actual bells so often in day to day life, we still have more abstract bells around us in many forms. Door bells, the “ring tones” on our phones, the alarm clock and so on are all forms of bells. So what does it mean to dream of bells?

Bells as a Spiritual Calling

Bells call us to prayer, so in a dream they may symbolise a spiritual calling, or even a special message we are about to receive. When you dream of a bell in this way in a dream, it may be accompanied by a profound sense of significance. Pay attention to what comes next in your dream. Did an animal or person appear? Consider what is special about them. Did you receive a kind of message, either written, spoken or somehow “revealed” to you. This may be important advice to you. Sometimes a bell dream will occur before receiving some important information in waking life. Pay attention to what signs you receive the next day. In your dream the bell may be calling you back to prayer, meditation, mindfulness or your own spiritual practice.

Calling Attention with Bells

Town criers historically used bells to announce important events. In a dream you may hear bells when your subconscious is trying to ensure you pay attention. If there is important information it is trying to impart, you may also dream of the front door ringing or your phone beeping. Is there something new in your life that requires you to look more closely? Is there an area of your life, a person or relationship that has been neglected? Maybe someone is trying to tell you something, and the answers you seek are available to you if you just take notice. Sometimes we will also dream of our alarm bell when we need to wake early! The meaning of a bell in a dream should be considered with what happens before and after it, as well as the symbol of the bell itself.

Celebrational Bells

Bells at their most celebrational can signal an end to war, the highest of holy days or a wedding. To dream of such joyous bells as this is a wonderful sign of exceptional and blessed transition. Dreams of celebrational bells may signify an achievement in life, either internally or externally. You may have reached a goal, made peace with the past or made amends for a mistake. Bells may symbolise an end to waring parts of your own personality, a sign that you are reconciling deeply held internal conflicts. Dreams of such celebrational bells may signify a sacred union, a merging of the opposing male and female sides we all contain within us. These dreams can remind us of the very best aspects about being alive.

Happy Bells

Other bells are happy but more frivolous, such as the bells on sleighs, horses, costumes and so forth. Bells of this kind are intended to induce a light-hearted mood, to dispel gloom and encourage cheerfulness. This can be especially important in the midsts of dark winters, but also difficult times such as financial hardships, relationships stresses and so on. Dreams of cheerful bells remind us there is light and laughter to be found even in the darkest coldest times.

Warning Bells

The meaning of a bell in a dream may also be a warning. Ships use bells to alert their presence when in the fog or dark. Bicycle bells warn you that they are approaching and to get out of the way. Sirens, a modern form of bells, warn when air raids, attacks or natural disasters are imminent. And many people use alarm bells to wake up. To dream of an alarm bell may be a sign that you need to take action, calling you to your work, your education, or even your greater purpose.

To dream of bells in the fog or dark may be a sign you are feeling lost and seeking guidance. It may also symbolise feeling alone, and appear in dreams when you are reaching for another to share your journey with. Alternatively, you may be hearing this call from another. It is up to you how you choose to respond when you hear a lonely cry in the dark, but imagining how we would feel ourselves in such a situation is a good place to start.

If you dream of a siren or bells that have a sense of foreboding, take heed of their warning. These kind of dreams may appear to help you make a better life decision. You may need to give up a habit that is proving destructive in your life, end a relationship, or take better care of your health. Listen to your intuition and allow it to guide you. It can help you make the best decisions for yourself and those with whom you share your life.

Funeral Bells

To dream of funeral bells may be a sign of mourning. You may be mourning a lost life, or it may be more symbolic loss such as the end of of certain life stage, the finishing of a relationship or the letting go of a youthful dream in order to embrace a new adult approach to life. Funeral bells in dreams are not a reason to panic and see them as an omen. These dreams are more likely reflecting you current inner state. If you are feeling anxious and worried, the dream may be exploring these feelings you have and trying to help you face your fears. It is only be recognising and facing these fears that we are able to move past them. Dreams can help us do that.

The Meaning of a Bell in a Dream

Bells in dreams can be joyous, celebrational or even sacred. But bell dreams can also be warnings, a call to action, a call for help or a symbol of passing. Bells help communicate between the world of matter and the world of spirit. If we dream of bells we would do well to heed their message, whatever it may be.

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Death and dying in dreams,

The meaning of a feast or banquet in dreams,

The meaning of a candle in dreams


Photo by Ashwini Chaudhary on Unsplash

11 thoughts on “The Meaning of a Bell in a Dream

      1. Me too. This morning I was awakened early with the sound of a bicycle bell. Is that the joyous?

  1. Hi this is Elizabeth …So I woke up all scared. . I dreamed that I was carrying this bell to a choir concert from my school since I’m in choir …and that I started seeing things right after I held that bell …this girl from my choir group had told the other girls not to get that bell or that will happen I guess but can someone please get back to me ? I’m so scared I don’t know what to think right now ….

  2. Hi, My name is Ashley…. So my dream was about me and another person getting chased by an angry mob of people, of the olden days. We were hiding in this place that kinda looks like a bathroom stall and he had a magical book that had a start with a circle around it but it was a white book with brown writing inside, The boy said some words then we went to this place that looked like a mountain that we were standing on, Off the mountain was nothing but clouds. I looked over to see a Old cabin, pick-nick table then a Bell, The bell was attached to a wall of rock and had grass growing around it…..I looked at it more and more while the boy was running to the cabin because something had to be done fast, But I didn’t go I was staring at the bell and I don’t even know why I was but I soon woke up… What dose my dream even mean?…

  3. I dream I was giving a very big bell as a gift the handle was like a light was so beautiful. What that mean

  4. I had a dream that I heard a small bell ringing I went reach for it and tried ring but the ball in the bell fell off so there was no sound

  5. hello All I have frequent dream of hearing my house bell. It had happened to me lot of times (from the last 6 months now)

    Once I got up and opened the door found it was around 3.45am or sometimes 4.30am, 5am or so.
    Today I got up 6am and slept again around 7.30am I heard bell and I woke up opened the door there was no one. then I asked at home did anyone rang bell….all said bell didnt ring at all.

    Eager to know more about it.

    Much love to all of you.

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